Pratt & Whitney Approved Videoscope Kits PWC34910-109 Kit with NEW PVJ20 Model Videoscope 360° Joystick Articulation PWC34910-108 Kit with NEW PVJ Model Videoscope 360° Joystick Articulation Sale! PWC34910-109 Pratt & Whitney Approved Portable Videoscope Kit Feat. PVJ20 Joystick Videoscope $9,995.00 $8,995.00 Sale! PVJ20 Joystick Videoscope $8,995.00 $7,995.00 Sale! PWC34910-108 Pratt & Whitney Approved Portable Videoscope Kit – Feat. Joystick PVJ-4-1500 Videoscope $8,995.00 $7,995.00